CONTRACT 82 / 06.10.2011; PROGRAMUL 'IDEI', PN-II-ID-PCE-2011-3-0643


TITLE:                                Infrared-infrared and infrared-ultraviolet upconversion processes in rare earth doped phosphors

FINANTARE :                      Unitatea Executiva pentru Finantarea Invatamantului Superior, a Cercetarii, Dezvoltarii şi Inovarii (UEFISCDI), Ministerul Educatiei, Cercetarii, Tineretului si Sportului, Romania
FUNDED BY:                      
UEFISCDI, Ministry of Education, Research, Youth and Sport, Romania

DURATA PROIECTULUI:      Ianuarie 2012 - Decembrie 2016
PROJECT DURATION:        January 2012 - December 2016

CONDUCATOR PROIECT:   Institutul National de Cercetare-Dezvoltare pentru Fizica Laserilor, Plasmei si Radiatiei, Magurele, Bucuresti, Romania
PROJECT LEADER:            National Institute for Laser, Plasma and Radiation Physics, Magurele, Bucharest, Romania

Contract value:                    1.500.000 lei

Valoare contract:                 1.500.000 lei

The research team:              GEORGESCU Vasile Serban, PhD

Echipa de cercetare:            CINTEZA Liudmila, PhD (Assoc. Prof.)

                                          TOMA Octavian, PhD

                                          VOICULESCU Ana-Maria, PhD

                                          MATEI Elena Cristina, PhD student

                                          STEFAN Angela, PhD student

                                          IONESCU Alina

Project Summary

    Phosphors are defined as the materials (usually crystalline powders) which emit visible light under an external (pump) excitation: electromagnetic radiation (X, UV, VIS, IR), electron beams etc. In most situations, the energy of incident particles (photons, electrons) is higher than the energy of the emitted photons. For upconversion phosphors (pumped in IR, emitting in IR but at a shorter wavelength, visible or UV) the energy of the emitted photons is higher than the energy of the pump photons. The phosphors are composed from the host material (usually, crystalline) and the activators (transition elements or lanthanides). The excitation of luminescence can be performed directly in the activator absorption bands or, indirectly, when the host or a sensitizer absorbs the pump radiation and transfers excitation to the activator. The phosphors are inorganic (most of them) or organic materials.
    The aim of this project is the synthesis and characterization of two types of rare-earth doped upconversion phosphors pumped in IR at 940-980 nm (where cheap and high-powered InGaAs laser diodes exists): (i) emitting in near IR (NIR) at 730-850 nm and (ii) emitting in UV. While the systems excited in IR with emission in visible are extensively studied, relatively few papers are devoted to the upconversion pumped phosphors emitting in NIR. Due to the superior penetration depth of IR (0.8-1 μm) radiation in biological tissues, the IR-NIR phosphors can be used as biomarkers observable deep in the tissue. In the NIR domain cheap and sensitive detectors and cameras exist. Given the small penetration depth of the UV radiation in biological tissues or in turbid media, the IR-UV phosphors produce UV radiation deep inside the material, with applications in biology, medicine and treatment of wastewater. Even if the efficiency of such a multistep (at least, third order) process is low; the otherwise small penetration depth of UV radiation in biologic tissues or turbid media makes the IR-UV upconversion process competitive. Besides, irradiation of the biologic tissues with UV light would be very harmful.
    The energy level schemes of Er3+, Tm3+ and Ho3+ ions present multiple resonances between the energy levels, being very convenient for upconversion processes (excited-state absorption - ESA or energy transfer), but present narrow absorption lines. In order to improve the efficiency of the “compteur quantique”, Auzel introduced in 1966 Yb3+ as sensitizer for Er3+. Since then, Yb3+ was used as sensitizer for Er3+, Tm3+ and Ho3+. Yb3+ has a very simple energy level scheme (only two levels, 2F7/2 (ground) and 2F5/2) and intense and broad absorption band in IR (~ 940 – 980 nm) and transfers very efficiently the excitation to Er3+ (resonant transfer) or Tm3+, Ho3+ (phonon-assisted transfer). Er3+, Tm3+ and Ho3+ emit in NIR, visible and UV. Depending on the host, the efficiency in the various spectral domains can be different. Since the energy gaps between the emitting levels and the next lower energy ones are usually rather small, hosts characterized by low energy phonons are preferred. For the pairs (Yb3+ and Tm3+) and (Yb3+ and Ho3+) the energy transfer from the sensitizer to activator is assisted by phonons and its probability depends on the ratio between energy mismatch and the energy of the host phonons; for this energy transfer, phonons of higher energy would be favorable. On the other hand, to have a higher quantum efficiency of the emitting levels, low-energy phonons are expected. Therefore, the choice of the host material depends on the rare-earth ion and the specific transition.
    The main objective of this project is the finding of the optimal compositions of phosphors (host + dopants) excited in IR (940-980 nm) and emitting in NIR or UV for specific applications in biology, medicine and purification of the wastewaters.
    Various methods of synthesis will be used: sol-gel, precipitation, hydrothermal, solid-state synthesis; these methods are modern methods, widely used nowadays for synthesis of nano- andmicro-sized phosphors. For structural characterization: XRD, FTIR, and electron microscopy will be used; the techniques and equipments that will be used are competitive with the latest techniques and equipments in this field. Phosphors with various compositions will be synthesized; for each composition, the synthesis method yielding optimum results will be selected. Various spectroscopic techniques (absorption, fluorescence and excitation spectra, kinetics of the metastable levels) will be used to find the various spectroscopic parameters of the investigated materials. Based on the results of our measurements (as well as on the available data in literature) the energy transfer processes which control the population and de-excitation paths of the emitting levels will be investigated. The obtained results for each composition (host characteristics, dopants) will be analyzed using mathematical modeling constructed with the obtained spectroscopic data. Modern mathematical methods will be used.

The main objective of this project is the finding of the optimal compositions of phosphors (host + dopants) excited in IR (940 - 980 nm) and emitting in NIR or UV for specific applications in biology, medicine and purification of the wastewaters.
2012 / Objective 1: Synthesis and characterization of phosphors doped with erbium and ytterbium. Although the emission in visible of this system was studied extensively, erbium transition 4S3/2 to 4I13/2 with emission in NIR was much less studied. We aim to study this transition with important applications as biomarker that can be excited and detected deeper in biological tissues.
2013 / Objective 2: Synthesis and characterization of phosphors doped with thulium and ytterbium. This system was also extensively studies for upconversion pumped visible emission; for this system, the NIR transition 3H4 to 3H6 is very efficient even in oxide hosts and is worthy of a systematic study; the interesting UV transition 1D2 to 3H6 (~360 nm) can activate the photocatalytic activity of TiO2 for water treatment; its initial level 1D2 is isolated from the next lower-energy level by a large gap and thus possesses a high quantum efficiency. Studies of the parameters of the various energy transfer processes from Yb3+ to Tm3+ are also missing from scientific literature.
2014 / Objective 3a: Synthesis and structural investigations of phosphors doped with Ho3+ and Yb3+. Solid state reaction and sol-gel method will be used to synthesize the phosphors. The X-ray diffraction and FTIR will be used for structural investigations.
2015 / Objective 3b: Objective 3b. Investigation of the emission properties of phosphors doped with Ho3+ and Yb3+. The Ho3+ ion has many transitions; the NIR transition of interest is 5I3 to 5I7; the UV transition of interest is (5G4, 3K7) to 5I8 (~392 nm). The population mechanisms of the initial levels of these transitions will be investigated; a special attention will be paid to the characterization of the energy transfer processes Yb3+ - Ho3+, which have not been quantitatively described up to now.

Obiectivul principal al proiectului este gasirea compozitiei optime a fosforilor (gazda + dopant) excitati in IR (la 940 - 980 nm) cu emisie in infrarosu apropiat sau in UV pentru aplicatii in biologie, medicina si purificarea apelor uzate.

Valoare 2012: 600.000 lei
Obiectivul 1: Sinteza si caracterizarea fosforilor dopati cu erbiu si ytterbiu. Desi sistemul a fost studiat extensiv, tranzitia erbiului 4S3/2   4I13/2 cu emisie in infrarosu apropiat a fost mult mai putin studiata. Vom studia sistematic aceasta tranzitie cu aplicatii importante pentru biomarkeri care pot fi excitati si detectati in adancimea tesuturilor biologice.
Valoare 2013: 225.745.43 lei
Obiectivul 2: Sinteza si caracterizarea fosforilor dopati cu tuliu si ytterbiu. Sistemul a fost studiat extensiv pentru emisia in vizibil pompata prin conversie superioara; pentru acest sistem, tranzitia in IR apropiat 3H4 la 3H6 este foarte eficienta chiar si in oxizi si merita un studiu sistematic; tranzitia in UV 1D2 la 3H6 (~360 nm) poate activa activitatea fotocatalitica a TiO2 pentru tratarea apelor uzate, nivelul initial 1D2 fiind separat de urmatorul printr-o banda interziza larga are o eficienta cuantica ridicata. Lipsesc din literatura datele privind diferitele procese de transfer de energie Yb - Tm.
Valoare 2014: 200.000 lei
Obiectivul 3a:
Sinteza şi investigarea structurală a fosforilor dopaţi cu Ho3+ şi Yb3+. Ca metode de sinteză, se vor utiliza reacţia în fază solidă şi metoda sol-gel. Investigarea structurală se va face prin difracţie de raze X şi FTIR.
Obiectivul 3b:
 Investigarea proprietăţilor de emisie ale fosforilor dopaţi cu Ho3+ şi Yb3+. Sunt de interes tranzitiile 5I3 la 5I7 (in IR apropiat) si (5G4,3K7) la 5I8 (~392 nm). Vor fi investigate mecanismele de populare a acestor nivele pentru pompaj in IR; o atentie deosebită va fi acordată caracterizarii proceselor de transfer de energie Ho - Yb.

- Au fost sintetizate, prin metoda sol-gel Pechini, pulberi nanometrice de langasit (La3Ga5SiO14) dopate cu Er3+ si Yb3+ sau dopate cu Eu3+ si tratate termic la temperaturi pana la 1000oC.

- Au fost sintetizate, prin reactie in faza solida, probe ceramice de langatat (La3Ga5.5Ta0.5O14) si langanit (La3Ga5.5Nb0.5O14) dopate cu Er3+ si Yb3+.
Aceste probe au un continut redus de centri de culoare.
- Probele obtinute au fost caracterizate prin difractie de raze X, FTIR si spectroscopie optica (reflectanta difuza / absorbtie, luminescenta excitata direct sau prin conversie superioara, cinetica nivelelor metastabile).

- Au fost studiate proprietatile de conversie superioara IR-vizibil si IR-UV si dependenta lor de conditiile de tratament termic in cazul pulberilor nanometrice si au fost evidentiate mecanismele de populare a nivelelor metastabile. 

- Rezultatele obtinute au fost publicate in reviste cotate ISI si prezentate la conferinte internationale.

- Using a modified Pechini sol-gel route, langasite (La3Ga5SiO14) nano-powders doped with Er3+ and Yb3+ or with Eu3+ were synthesized and annealed in air at temperatures up to 1000șC.
- Using the solid-state synthesis, ceramic samples of langatate (La3Ga5.5Ta0.5O14) and langanite (La3Ga5.5Nb0.5O14) doped with Er3+ si Yb3+, with low concentration of color centers, were obtained.
- The obtained samples were characterized by XRD and optical spectroscopy (diffuse reflectance / absorption, luminescence excited directly and by upconversion, kinetics of the metastable levels).

- The dependence on the annealing temperature of IR-IR and IR-UV upconversion properties of Er3+ and Yb3+ doped nano-powders and ceramic samples was analyzed.

- The results were published in ISI journals or presented at international conferences.

. A. M. Voiculescu, S. Georgescu, S. Nastase, C. Matei, D. Berger, C. Matei, A. Stefan, and O. Toma, “Upconversion luminescence of Er3+/Yb3+ co-doped nanolangasite synthesized by a modified Pechini route,” J. Sol-Gel Sci. Technol. 64, 667-672 (2012).

. A. M. Voiculescu, S. Georgescu, S. Nastase, O. Toma, C. Matei, and A. Stefan "Upconversion processes in langasite nanopowders doepd with erbium and ytterbium," ICFE - 8th International Conference on f-elements, Udine, Italy, August 26-31, 2012, presentation OPT 32P.

. C. Matei, S. Georgescu, D. Berger, S. Nastase, A. M. Voiculescu, and A. Stefan, "Luminescence properties in 
ZrO2 nanoparticles doped with Er and Yb," ICFE - 8th International Conference on f-elements, Udina, Italy, August 26-31, 2012, presentation OPT 31P.
. A. M. Voiculescu, S. Georgescu, L. Gheorghe, A. Achim, C. Matei, and A. Stefan, "Infrared-excited red, green, violet and UV-luminescence from langasite crystal doped with erbium and ytterbium," ICOM 2012, 3rd International Conference on the Physics of Optical Materials and Devices, Belgrad, Serbia, 3-6 September 2012, presentation P1.2-31, Book of Abstracts ISBN: 978-86-7306-116-0, pg 145.

5. A. M Voiculescu, S. Georgescu, O. Toma, and S. Nastase, "Properties of luminescence for nanopowders compounds from the langasite family doped with erbium and ytterbium," International Conference on Nanoscience and Technology (ICNT+T), July 23-27 2012, Paris, France, presentation PO3-21, Europhysics Conference Abstracts Vol. 36D, ISBN No. 2-914771-0, pg. 97.
. A. M. Voiculescu, S. Georgescu, C. Matei, A. Stefan, and O. Toma, "Synthesis and characterization of langasite nanopowders doped with erbium and ytterbium," The 8th General Conference of Balkan Physical Union, 5-7 July 2012, Constanta, Romania, presentation SP-P11.

. S. Georgescu, A. M. Voiculescu, C. Matei, A. Stefan, and O. Toma, Upconversion luminescence in 
La3Ga5.5Ta0.5O14 codoped with Er3+ and Yb3+," International Conference on Optics "Micro-to-Nano-Photonics, September 3-6 2012, Bucharest, Romania, presentation I.I.6.
. A. M. Voiculescu, S. Georgescu, C. Matei, and S. Nastase, "Upconversion luminescence of nanolangasite doped with Er3+ and Yb3+," Physics Conference TIM-12, 27-30 November 2012, Timisoara, Romania; Abstract Book pg. 14, presentation API F205.

. C. Matei, S. Georgescu, A.M. Voiculescu, and S. Nastase, "Synthesis by Pechini method of Eu3+: nanolangasite," Physics Conference TIM-12, 27-30 November 2012, Timisoara, Romania; Abstract book pg. 74, presentation API 74.

Raportul stiintific pe anul 2012 este disponibil aici: | 2012

- Au fost sintetizate, prin reacţie in faza solidă, probe ceramice de langatat (La3Ga5.5Ta0.5O14) şi langanit (La3Ga5.5Nb0.5O14) dopate cu Tm3+ si Yb3+ cu concentraţii diferite de dopanţi, precum si probe de langasit şi langatat dopate numai cu Tm3+ (1 at.% în raport cu La3+).
Aceste probe au un conţinut redus de centri de culoare.
- Au fost sintetizate, prin metoda Pechini sol-gel, puberi nanometrice de langasit (La3Ga5SiO14) dopate cu Yb3+ şi Tm3+.

- Au fost 
sintetizate, prin metoda Pechini sol-gel, pulberi nanometrice de LaGaO3 şi LaAlO3 dopate cu Yb3+ şi Tm3+.
- Au fost sinterizate, prin reactie în faza solidă, probe ceramice de LaGaO3 dopate cu Yb3+ şi Er3+ precum şi probe ceramice de LaGaO3 dopate cu Yb3+ şi Tm3+.

- Probele obtinute au fost caracterizate prin difracţie de raze X, FTIR şi spectroscopie optica (reflectanta difuza/absorbtie, luminescenta excitata direct sau prin conversie superioara, cinetica nivelelor metastabile).

- Rezultatele obtinute au fost publicate in reviste cotate ISI si prezentate la conferinte internationale.
- Langatate (La3Ga5.5Ta0.5O14), langanite (La3Ga5.5Nb0.5O14) and langasite (La3Ga5SiO14) ceramic samples, doped with various concentrations of Tm3+ and Yb3+, and having low concentration of color centers, were synthesized by solid-state reaction; the same synthesis method was used for LaGaO3 doped with Er3+ and Yb3+ and for LaGaO3 doped with Tm3+ and Yb3+.
- Langasite, LaGaO3 and LaAlO3 nano-powders doped with Yb3+ and Tm3+ were synthesized by a modified Pechini route.
- The obtained samples were characterized by XRD and optical spectroscopy (diffuse reflectance / absorption, directly excited and upconversion luminescence, kinetics of the metastable levels).

- The results were published in ISI journals or presented at international conferences.

. A. M. Voiculescu, S. Georgescu, C. Matei, A. G. Stefan, L. Gheorghe, A. Achim, and F. Voicu, “Infrared-excited, violet and UV luminescence from langasite crystal doped with erbium and ytterbium”, Rom. J. Phys. 58, 136-142 (2013).
. S. Georgescu, A. M.Voiculescu, C. Matei, A. G. Stefan, and O. Toma, “Violet and near-ultraviolet upconversion luminescence in La3Ga5.5Ta0.5O14 codoped with Er3+ and Yb3+, Physica B 413, 55–58 (2013).

. S. Georgescu, A. M. Voiculescu, C. Matei, C. E. Secu, R. F. Negrea, and M. Secu, “Ultraviolet and visible up-conversion luminescence of Er3+/Yb3+ co-doped CaF2 nanocrystals in sol-gel derived glass-ceramics,” Journal of Luminescence 143, 150-156 (2013).

. O. Toma and S. Georgescu, “Selectively excited Er3+ luminescence in calcium lithium niobium gallium garnet,” Rom. J. Phys. 58 (3-4), 365-372 (2013).
. C. Matei, S. Georgescu, A.-M. Voiculescu, A. Stefan, and R. Birjega, “Synthesis by solid state reaction of Langanite doped with Tm3+ and Yb3+ and luminescence properties,” INDLAS 2013, 20-24 May 2013 Bran, Romania.

. A. M. Voiculescu, S. Georgescu, C. Matei, A. Stefan, and R. Birjega, “Upconversion luminescence properties of La3Ga5.5Ta0.5O14 doped with Yb and Tm,” INDLAS 2013, 20-24 May 2013 Bran, Romania.

A. M. Voiculescu, S. Georgescu, C. Matei, A. Stefan, O. Toma, and S. Nastase, "Synthesis and characterization of Europium-doped nano Langasite," 3rd International Conference on RARE EARTH MATERIALS (REMAT) Advances in Synthesis, Studies and Applications, 26-28 April 2013, Wroclaw, Poland.
8. A. M. Voiculescu, S. Georgescu, C. Matei, A. Stefan, O. Toma, F. Voicu, and R. Birjega, “Synthesis and characterization of La3Ga5.5Ta0.5O14 doped with Yb and Tm for upconversion luminescence”, Materials, Methods & Technologies, 15th International Symposium, 10-14 June 2013, Sunny Beach, Bulgaria, presentation P66.

. C. Matei, S. Georgescu, A. M. Voiculescu, F. Voicu, and R. Birjega, “Upconversion luminescence of Tm, Yb - doped langanite ceramic synthesized by solid state reaction”, Materials, Methods & Technologies, 15th International Symposium, 10-14 June 2013, Sunny Beach, Bulgaria, presentation P67.

Raportul stiintific pe anul 2013 este disponibil aici: | 2013

In cadrul acestei etape, am invesigat compuşii oxidici CaSc2O4 şi SrY2O4 dopaţi cu ioni de pământuri rare şi am continuat investigarea langatatului (La3Ga5.5Ta0.5O14) dopat cu ioni de pământiri rare.
Fosforii au fost sintetizaţi prin două metode: sinteză în fază solidă şi sol-gel.
Pulberile obţinute prin sol-gel au fost tratate termic în aer la temperaturi între 800oC şi 1200oC.
- Fosforii au fost dopaţi cu Ho3+, Ym3+, Yb3+ şi Er3+.
- Fosforii obţinuţi au fost caracterizaţi prin difracţie de raze X şi spectroscopie optică (absorbţie, luminescenţă, cinetica nivelelor metastabile.
- Probele ceramice de CaSc2O4 dopat cu Ho3+ sau Tm3+ precum şi cele de langatat dopat cu Tm3+ sau Er3+ au fost caracterizate prin metoda Judd-Ofelt; calibrarea spectrelor de absorbţie a fost făcută fie utilizând timpul de viaţă al unui nivel care se dezexcită radiativ (4I13/2 - Er3+, 1G4 - Tm3+ sau 5I7 - Ho3+), fie utilizând componenta de dipol magnetic a unei tranziţii (3H6 
3H5 - Tm3+).
- A fost investigată luminescenţa Tm3+ excitată prin conversie superioară în pulberea nanometrică de SrY2O4:Tm:Yb obţinută pein sol-gel.

CaSc2O4, SrY2O4 and La3Ga5.5Ta0.5O14 (langatate) doped with rare-earth ions were obtained using the solid-state synthesis.
The sol-gel method (followed by annealing in air at temperatures between 800oC and 1200oC) was used for the synthesis of SrY2O4 doped with Tm3+ and Yb3+.
- The obtained phosphors were characterized by XRD and optical spectroscopy. The ceramic samples of CaSc2O4 (doped with Ho3+ or Tm3+) as well the langatate doped with Er3+ were investigated using the Judd-Ofelt approach; the absorption spectra were calibrated using either the lifetime of a level known to decay mainly radiatively (4I13/2 - Er3+, 1G4 - Tm3+ or 5I7 - Ho3+), or using the magnetic-dipole contribution to an absorption transition (3H6  3H5 - Tm3+).
- The upconversion luminescence of the SrY2O4:Tm:Yb nano-powder (obtained using the sol-gel approach) was investigated.


1. S. Georgescu, A. Stefan, A. M. Voiculescu, O. Toma, C. Matei, R. Birjega, „Peculiarities of the Ho3+-Yb3+ energy transfer in CaSc2O4:Ho:Yb”, J. Luminescence 154, 142-147 (2014).
2. O. Toma, S. Georgescu, „Excited-state absorption in erbium-doped calcium lithium niobium gallium garnet,” J. Luminescence 154, 553-558 (2014).
3. S. Georgescu, O. Toma, C. Matei, A. M. Voiculescu, A. Ştefan, ”Judd–Ofelt analysis of Tm3+ in La3Ga5.5Ta0.5O14 ceramic with granular structure,” J. Luminescence 157, 35-38 (2015).
4. S. Georgescu, A. M. Voiculescu, C. Matei, A. Stefan, O. Toma, R. Birjega, ”Upconversion luminescence in langatate ceramics doped with Tm3+ and Yb3+,” J. Luminescence 154, 74-79 (2014).
5. O. Toma, S. Georgescu, ”Judd-Ofelt analysis of Er3+ ions in calcium lithium niobium gallium garnet,” J. Luminescence 147, 259-264 (2014).

Au fost prezentate două lucrări la conferinţa internaţională ”The 14th International Balkan Workshop on Applied Physics”, 2-4 iulie 2014, Constanţa:
6. C. Matei, S. Georgescu, A. M. Voiculescu, A. Stefan, O. Toma, „Luminescence Properties in Langatate Ceramics Doped with Tm3+ and Yb3+,” The 14th International Balkan Workshop on Applied Physics, 2-4 iulie 2014, Constanţa, oral presentation S2-OP2, Book of Abstracts p. 111.
A. M. Voiculescu, S. Georgescu, C. Matei, A. Stefan, O. Toma, ”Synthesis and Characterization of La3Ga5.5Ta0.5O14 Doped with Holmium and Ytterbium,” The 14th International Balkan Workshop on Applied Physics”, 2-4 iulie 2014, Constanţa, poster presentation S2-P20, Book of Abstracts p. 127.

Raportul stiintific pe anul 2014 este disponibil aici: | 2014

Short resume of the results, in English:  | here|


In anul 2015, am continuat investigarea compuşilor oxidici La3Ga5.5Ta0.5O14 (langatat) şi CaSc2O4 dopaţi cu ioni de pământuri rare (Er3+, Ho3+, Tm3+, şi Yb3+). Astfel:
- A fost extinsă metoda Judd-Ofelt pentru probe ceramice care, datorită structurii lor granulare, împrăştie lumina transmisă prin probă;
- Pentru calibrarea spectrelor de absorbţie, s-au folosit două abordări: (i) utilizarea tăriei liniei de dipol magnetic pentru tranziţia 3H63H5 a Tm3+, care este tabelată; (ii) timpul de viaţă măsurat al unui nivel metastabil care poate fi considerat egal cu timpul de viaţă radiativ, datorită gap-ului energetic mare dintre acest nivel şi nivelul următor;
- Timpii de viaţă radiativi au fost comparaţi cu cei experimentali şi au fost astfel estimate eficienţele cuantice ale nivelurilor emiţătoare;
- Metodele de calibrare propuse pot fi aplicate şi pentru materiale transparente (sticle, cristale, ceramici transparente, fără împrăştiere a luminii), pentru care grosimea probei este cunoscută, dar concentraţia de ioni activatori nu este cunoscută precis. Se evită, astfel, erorile de măsurare a concentraţiei;
- Pentru CaSc2O4:Er au fost analizate cantitativ procesele de relaxare încrucişată în care sunt implicate nivelurile cu emisie în verde şi a fost determinat microparametrul de transfer de energie dipol-dipol;

- În cazul luminescenţei excitată prin conversie superioară în La3Ga5.5Ta0.5O14 dopat cu Er3+ şi Yb3+, popularea nivelurilor luminescente (5S2, 5F4) şi 5I8 se face prin procese de doi fotoni.

Rezultatele obţinute în cadrul acestei etape au fost publicate în următoarele lucrări:
[1] S. Georgescu, A. Ştefan, A.M. Voiculescu, O. Toma, “Judd–Ofelt analysis of ceramic La3Ga5.5Ta0.5O14 doped with Er3+”, J. Lumin. 162 (2015) 168-173.
[2] S. Georgescu, A. Ştefan, O. Toma, A.M. Voiculescu, “Judd–Ofelt analysis of Ho3+ doped in ceramic CaSc2O4”, J. Lumin. 162 (2015) 174-179.
[3] S. Georgescu, A. Ştefan, A.M. Voiculescu, O. Toma, “Judd–Ofelt analysis of Tm3+ doped in CaSc2O4 ceramic samples”, J. Lumin. 166 (2015) 130-136.
[4] S. Georgescu, A. Ştefan, O. Toma, “Judd–Ofelt and energy-transfer analysis of Er3+ doped in CaSc2O4 ceramic samples”, J. Lumin. 167 (2015) 186-192.

[5] A.M. Voiculescu, S. Georgescu, C. Matei, A. Stefan, O. Toma, “Synthesis and characterization of La3Ga5.5Ta0.5O14 doped with holmium and ytterbium”, Romanian J. Phys. 60 (2015) 495-501.

A fost prezentată o lucrare la Conferinţa Internaţională “THE 8th INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ADVANCED MATERIALS, ROCAM 2015”, Bucureşti, 7-10 iulie 2015
[6] A. Ştefan, S. Georgescu, O. Toma, C. Matei, “Upconversion luminescence in CaSc2O4 codoped with Er3+ and Yb3+” (prezentare orală).

During 2015, we continued the investigation of the oxide compounds La3Ga5.5Ta0.5O14 (langatate) şi CaSc2O4 doped with rare-earth ions (Er3+, Ho3+, Tm3+, and Yb3+). The main results are:
- The Judd-Ofelt method was extended for ceramic samples which scatter the transmitted light. Various methods were used to calibrate the absorption spectra:  
    (i) the lifetime of an energy level which, due to the large gap between this level and the lower next one, has a radiative decay (4I13/2 (Er3+), 1G4 (Tm3+));   
    (ii) the strength of a magnetic-dipole transition for transitions containing both magnetic-dipole and electric-dipole (3H63H5, Tm3+).
- The quantum efficiencies of the emitting levels of Er3+, Tm3+ and Ho3+ were estimated.

Raportul stiintific pe anul 2015 este disponibil aici: | 2015 |

In cursul anului 2016 activitatea a fost îndreptată în două direcţii:
    (i) modelarea matematică a proceselor care conduc la emisia prin conversie superioară;
    (ii) măsurarea eficienţei emisiei prin conversie superioară pentru fosforul CaSc2O4:Er:Yb.

Pentru modelarea matematică a proceselor care au loc în fosforii dopaţi cu Er3+ şi Yb3+, am inclus următoarele procese de transfer de energie:
(1) (4I15/2 (Er3+), 2F5/2 (Yb3+))  (4I11/2 (Er3+), 2F7/2 (Yb3+)), urmat de tranziţie multifononică pe 4I13/2 (Er3+);
(2) (4I11/2 (Er3+), 2F5/2 (Yb3+))  (4F7/2 (Er3+), 2F7/2 (Yb3+)) urmat de tranziţii multifononice rapide pe (2H11/2, 4S3/2) (Er3+);
(3) (4I13/2 (Er3+), 2F5/2 (Yb3+))  (4F9/2 (Er3+), 2F7/2 (Yb3+)) (tranziţie asistată de fononi);
4) procesele de back-transfer Er3+  Yb3+ (4I11/2 (Er3+), 2F7/2 (Yb3+))  (4I15/2 (Er3+), 2F5/2 (Yb3+)) şi, respectiv, ((2H11/2, 4S3/2) (Er3+), 2F7/2 (Yb3+))  (4I13/2 (Er3+), 2F5/2 (Yb3+));
(5) procesele de relaxare încrucişată în sistemul Er3+, ((2H11/2, 4S3/2), 4I15/2 (4I9/2, 4I13/2).
- Au fost obţinute formule analitice simple pentru populaţiile nivelurilor emiţătoare în verde (2H11/2, 4S3/2) şi în roşu (4F9/2) şi pentru raportul intensităţilor roşu/verde. Formulele obţinute evidenţiază rolul proceselor incluse în modelare şi descriu bine datele experimentale.
- Schimbarea raportului între emisia în roşu şi cea în verde cu creşterea concentraţiei de Yb3+ a fost ilustrată cu diagrame CIE.
- Eficienţa emisiei prin conversie superioară, pentru pompaj în IR la 980 nm, a fost măsurată pe probe ceramice de CaSc2O4:Er:Yb, folosind sfera integratoare. Cele mai bune rezultate au fost obţinute pentru CaSc2O4:Er(1%):Yb(5%), şi anume 1.4%.

Rezultatele obţinute au fost publicate în Journal of Luminescence:
[1] A. Stefan, O. Toma, S. Georgescu, “Upconversion luminescence in CaSc2O4 doped with Er3+ and Yb3+,” J. Lumin. 180, 376-383 (2016).
şi prezentate in trei comunicari la două conferinţe internaţionale:
[2] O. Toma, S. Georgescu, and A. Stefan, “Excited-state absorption in erbium-doped ceramic langatate,” 2016 International Conference on Defects in Insulating Materials (ICDIM 2016)", 10-15 July 2016, Lyon, France (poster presentation);
O. Toma, S. Georgescu, “Excited-state absorption in Er-doped partially disordered calcium lithium niobium gallium garnet,” 2016 International Conference on Defects in Insulating Materials (ICDIM 2016)", 10-15 July 2016, Lyon, France (poster presentation)
[4] A. Stefan, S. Georgescu, and O. Toma, “Peculiarities of Er3+ - Yb3+ energy transfer in CaSc2O4:Er:Yb,” 19th International Conference on Dynamical Processes in Excited States of Solids (DPC 2016), 17-22 July, 2016, Paris, France; Book of Abstracts, p. 202 (P29, poster presentation).

During 2016, the activity was focused on two directions: (i) mathematical modeling of the processes leading to upconversion emission; (ii) measuring the upconversion efficiency of the CaSc2O4:Er:Yb phosphor.
Simple analytical expressions were obtained for the populations of the emitting levels (2H11/2, 4S3/2) (green emission) and 4F9/2 (red emission) as well as for the ratio of red and green emissions. The obtained expressions evidence the contribution of the various energy-transfer processes to upconversion efficiency and describe the experimental data.
The change of the green to red ratio with increasing Yb3+ concentration was illustrated with CIE diagrams.
The upconversion efficiency of CaSc2O4:Er:Yb phosphor was measured with the integrating sphere, for IR pumping at 980 nm. The best result (1.4%) was obtained for a CaSc2O4:Er(1%)Yb(5%) ceramic sample.
The results were published in Journal of Luminescence and presented at international conferences.

Raportul stiintific sintetic este disponibil aici: | 2016 | ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Laboratory of Solid-State Quantum Electronics